News & Results

July 2019
Summary of the meeting with the IC of South Africa

Summary of the meeting with the IC of South Africa

For the first time in our club's history, a bilateral meeting took place with the South African team who, as agreed with our last year's invitation, arrived in Budapest by train from Prague on Monday June 17th. Our president, Tamás Hámori and our team captain, Vilmos Kozáry, participated in the technical discussions held at the Korona Pension Hotel.  It was agreed that, due to the very warm weather forecast and the optimum utilization of the courts, the teams would spend one hour on the courts, warm up time included, and would play only as many games as the time allowed.

The match took place on the following day at the excellent courts of the Grand Slam Park club. The guest team consisted of 5 ladies and 3 men, while we nominated different players of ages similar to those of our competitors and thus eleven of us were able to compete, while Vilmos Kozáry played a friendly match.



Ladies singles:

Barbara Rose-Innes  - Márta Alpár   12:3

Tanton du Plessis - Edina Magyarosy  2-12


Debbie de Hartog - Éva Szerencsés  2-11

Men's singles:

Daniel Botha -János Kenyeres  5-3


Miles Foxcroft -Ferenc Erdei  5-6

Mixed doubles:

D.Botha,Sonja Botha-János Almai,Éva Dobrei  6-5


Men's doubles:

D.Botha,M.Foxcroft -Ferenc Roman,Ferenc Pohly 10-

Ladies doubles:

D.den Hartog,S.Botha -E.Szerencsés,E.Magyarosy 6-8


Lyn Lyndon,T.du Plessis - Zs.Turi,A.Kantor 5-8

It can be seen from the above that our unexpected 5-4 win (our guests won the five team event in Prague) resulted mainly thanks to our lady players, but, it also needed the outstanding play of Ferenc Erdei in winning against a previously first class competitor.

The official dinner following the match was also attended by Erzsébet Ambrus and György Zoltán. As customary, the two presidents gave brief speeches.  Tamás Hámori highlighted the current visit by the South African team as an historical event, while noting that our players had twice met with them in international events held at our guest’s home grounds.  Besides our players, he thanked Vilmos Kozáry for all the assistance he provided in connection with our guests' travel, their accommodation and in meeting their various requests.  Subsequently, he handed to Mike Dunk, the guests president, a book with photographs of the most attractive and interesting places in Budapest.

In response, Mr Dunk thanked the outstanding and attentive reception they received, congratulated the sporting spirt and win of the hosts and, at the same time, could not stop in praising the Hungarian cuisine with which he here became acquainted.  He said that next year, when their club would celebrate their 70th year of existence, they will arrange an international team championship to which he herewith invited the Hungarian team. The event will take place in Sun City between May 10-15 and consist of 65+ and 75+  men and ladies doubles matches. In conclusion, he presented the club's official tie to Tamás Hámori and a South African travel book to Vilmos Kozáry.