News & Results

May 2022
Beneficial tournament in memory of Tamas Hamori 2022

Beneficial tournament in memory of Tamas Hamori 2022

Gyorgy Zoltan,vice president of the International Lawn Tennis Club,said that unexpectedly reached us last  year the death of our president,Tamas Hamori,who was a widely known and esteemed participant of our home tennis life.Already by the first meeting of the newly assembled ILTC it was raised that the club should establish a memorial doubles tournament in memory of its first president,in whose creation his family would take part and have the support of the Hungarian Tennis Association as well as the Senior Association.

A large number of friends and admirers of Tamas,his partners in ILTC matches,as well as the past years' most successful senior players participated in the tournament held on January 22-23.

The first such tournament was played with 24 pairs in 4 age groups of men and mixed doubles.

The entire proceeds from the tournament,at the request of the family of Tamas,was donated to the Hungarian Hospice foundation.

The trophy created for the memory of Tamas Hamori  is won every year by the eldest men's and mixed doubles pairs since,almost certainly,they were friends of its namesake but,as stated by Tamas Bibok,the tournament's director,we also arranged tournaments for the younger competitors.

Due to the playing of excellent and round-robin matches many games had to wait for the competitors who,during the breaks,found opportunities to remember a bit the International meetings as well as the legendary manager open tournaments arranged by Tamas Hamori.

The final victory in the men's doubles was secured by  the Vilmos Bardosi,dr Imre Kantor pair while the mixed doubles was by Rozsa Balta and Kalman Marton.



Men's Doubles  130+ Tamas Hamori memorial tournament

           1)Vilmos Bardosi-dr  Imre Kantor





Men's doubles 100+






Mixed Doubles 120+  Tamas Hamori memorial tournament

          1)Rozsa Balta-.Kalman Márton

           2;Bogár Szabó-Sákovics



Mixed Doubles  120-

          1)Anita Futács-Tamás Bibók





Gyorgy Zoltan and Tamas Bibok